1-Location and construction
Location and Construction
It is also known as Pharos of Alexandria, as it had been built on the island of Pharos.
The lighthouse of Alexandria had been built during the reign of PtolemyII, about 285-246 B.C.by the architect Sostratos from Cnidus.
The main purpose of this lighthouse was to guide the sailors to the port at night using lights.
Strabo reported that Sostratus inscribed a dedication to the Saviour gods on the bricks of the lighthouse.
The fullest description of the lighthouse comes from the Arab traveler Abou Haggag Youssef Ibn el-Andaloussi, who visited the structure in 1165 AD.
A well-preserved ancient tomb in the town of Abusir, 48 k.m. southwest of Alexandria, takes the same shape of the lighthouse of Alexandria ( Ptolemy II ).
Many lamps of the Roman period took the shape of the lighthouse, and also it is represented on many coins.
The lighthouse remains a civic symbol of Alexandria Governorate and Alex. University.
Many modern buildings take the same shape of this great lighthouse.
Lighthouse Description
The lighthouse was built of hard stones (Alabaster, Granite )from the quarries of El Maks and Aswan.
Its height was about 600 feet ( about 135 m).
It consisted of 3 floors, the first one is about 60m, square in shape, consisted of 300 chambers for the workers and the tools.
This lower floor was decorated on its four sides with statues of god Triton, the son of god Nepton, god of the sea.
The second floor, about 30m, octagonal in shape.
The third floor circular in shape.
At its apex was positioned a mirror which reflected sunlight during the day, a fire was lit at night.
There was a staircase inside the building for the transportation of the fuel for the fire
A huge statue of god Poseidon was above the lighthouse.
Lighthouse Destruction
The lighthouse was still preserved till the Arab conquest in 641, but earth quick about 702 destroyed it.
In 880 Ibn Toulon restored the lighthouse by adding a wooden dome on its upper part.
In 1100, a second earthquake destroyed the rest of the lighthouse.
In 1480, Qaitbay, built a fort on the former location of the building using some of the fallen stones.
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