Egyptian Temple
The ancient Egyptians regarded the temple as pr-nTr or the "house of god".
The Egyptian temple represents in general the cosmogony and the universe with all their elements.
The first temple ever was erected on this small mound
From this theory, the Egyptian temples were built.
The first Egyptian temple consisted mainly of an enclosure wall and a sanctuary made of reed-mats.
1-The Quay:
cut back from the river to provide a dock with quite stable water for the boats to anchor.
From the quay, the ceremonial procession during the festivals used to start surrounded by crowds of
common people who came to celebrate their gods
2-Avenue of Sphinxes:
decorated by two rows of sphinxes.
Different forms of sphinxes were sculptured: human-headed sphinxes representing the facial features of the king , ram-headed and falcon-headed sphinxes.
3-The Pylon:
replaces the two flag poles located at the entrance sides in the early temples
consists of two huge towers flanking a gateway
The façade of the two towers is provided with square or rectangular holes, where flag poles used to be placed.
preceded by two obelisks.
-The Open Court:
Its walls are frequently surrounded by columns.
In some temples colossal statues of the king are placed in this court
The walls of this court bear religious scenes showing the king performing rituals before the divinities of the temple.
5-The Hypostyle Hall :
Its roof is supported by a number of columns
It symbolizes vegetation which grew along the Nile bank from the fertile land, while the ceiling is decorated with sky motifs, including the sun, moon, stars and constellations.
The scenes represented on the columns and the walls of this hall are religious, showing the king in the presence of the temple's deities.
6-The Offering Hall :
It precedes the sanctuary of the temple
it is the place where sacrifices are made to the god
The walls are decorated with scenes showing the king standing or kneeling and presenting offerings
to the main deity of the temple,
7-The Sanctuary or the Holy of the Holies
the most sacred place in the temple lying in the rearmost of the temple.
small chamber with tiny holes made in the ceiling
It contains the shrine where the most important statue of the god was housed. The walls of the sanctuary show scenes of the king doing rituals and daily services to the god.
8-Subsidary Chambers
10-Stairways and Roof Constructions
11-Drainage System.
12-The Sacred Lake:
rectangular form with straight, provided with flights of steps leading down to the water
Its function was to purify the priests before rituals. It is the place where the priests used to wash before entering the temple
13-The Enclosure Wall
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