This beautiful collection of colored terracotta statuettes is called after
a city in the Beotian province in Asia Minor north of Greece called Tanagra. In this small city, a large number of this kind of statuettes was discovered
They mainly represent elegant women represented in different positions wearing beautiful colored costumes. They are either playing musical instruments or carrying their babies
Importance of Tanagra statuettes
Their shiny colors and the various models of the ladies' costumes, hats, and hairstyles make the viewer see part of the ancient Alexandrian society.
2. Tanagra statuettes represent the realistic trend in art during Ptolemaic time through their free-standing positions and daily life activities. Realism can obviously be remarked through the coloration system of the figurines. The artist used to paint the clothes with bright colors, such as yellow, red, blue, and green. As for the hair, it is either colored in black or brown. Finally the face is painted in pale cream or pink.
Tanagra statuettes in Egypt
The collection of Tanagra statuettes in Alexandria was mostly found in the eastern necropolis, which was used by the Greeks such as; El Shatby Tombs, and Mostafa Kamel Tombs.
The function of Tanagra statuettes
These figurines were placed beside the dead person as a kind of votive offerings, which would recall to him in the other life. However, Breccia confirms that these statuettes have no accurate religious or funeral function.
According to Breccia's opinion, Tanagra statuettes made an atmosphere of life in the tombs and were purposed to enable the deceased to attain his /her beauty in the afterlife.
This opinion is confirmed by the fact that almost all Tanagra statuettes were discovered in the tombs of women and children and seldom found in the tombs of old people or men.
Manufacture centers of Tanagra statuettes
Athens is the cradle of the manufacture of this type of elegant art.
Moreover, Tanagra statuettes spread widely outside Greece such as; Asia Minor, south Italy, Sicily, and Egypt
Neucratis, Alexandria, and El Fayoum are the main manufacturing centers in Egypt.
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